Friday 17 July 2015

Holiday Recount

Talofa Lava, Kia Ora, Malo, Kia orana and greeting to all. My name is Ata and I am going to tell you about my holidays.

1st Week of the Holidays
For the 1st week I have been with my Nana until Thursday. Her name is Catherine. She is the best Nana ever. I love her so much. On Monday we stayed home and just relaxed for the whole day. We watched movies. We ate. We also went to sleep for a very long time. I was so tired. At about 3pm, my mum got home from work. My mum works at Alphacrucis (Chaplain Work). She also came home with my baby sister. My baby sister started getting all happy and bouncing around when my mum put her down inside. I was so happy to see my mum and sister. Around 4pm, my dad got home from work as well. He works as Head Security at New World. He works very very hard. After that we had dinner and once we finished dinner, me and my sister Paige cleaned up. Furthermore, we then relaxed, watched TV and went to sleep.

Favorite Part of the Holidays
My Favorite part of the holidays was when I went to Te Oro on Thursday the 9th of July 2015. It was my favorite day because I got to try something new that I have never done before. I joined a Dance Workshop and an Art Workshop. I went to the Dance class at about 10am. I stayed there and learnt some cool dance moves. We had 3 mentors called Justin, Lance and Lekki. They are awesome dancers. I love my dance class. After my dance class I went to my other class. Art class. In my Art class we played games to win sweets. First when you get in you have to guess a number and if you get it right or if you don't get it right, but you get closest to it then you get a prize. You will get a big packet of lollies. That is only at the end of the class. It finishes at 4pm. Normally at 4pm I go home, but sometimes I stay a bit longer. It is Awesome in the holidays. 

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