Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Explanation About Using Your W.I.T.S

Hi my name is Atareita and I am going to explain what Use your W.I.T.S means.For every paragraph I will do an Example for what the letter stands for.

The W stands for Walk Away. Walk Away means that if someone is being mean to you, then you just need to walk away. For Example: I was going to grab my shoes and then one of the boys in my class came along and just pushed me for no reason. So does that mean I turn around and push him back. No it doesn’t. I just needed to walk away from that boy.

The I stands for Ignore It. Ignore It means that if a year 8 girl comes past you and starts to swear at you and be mean then you need to turn around and ignore her. For Example: You are just going past her and you are going to play a game with your friends.She just comes behinds you and chucks a basketball at your head. Should you grab it and chuck it back at her head, No you ignore her. If you chuck it back at her then you will get in trouble as well. You don’t want that to happen, so just ignore her.

The 3rd letter is T which means Talk About It. Talk About It means if the same person is being mean to you then you need to Talk about It. For Example: The same person keeps on bullying you and you just don’t like it. So you talk to her about it. You say “Hey I don’t like you being mean to me for no reason. I haven’t done anything to you.So can you please stop being mean to me” and then she should say yes. But if she keeps on being mean then….. ( read the explanation on the last letter)

I think you know what the last letter is. Well if you didn’t know then the last letter is S which means Seek Help. Seek Help means that if that girl is still being mean to you, you then need to go and find a Judy teacher. They will come with you sort it out. Then she will stop being mean to you. That is how you sort out your problems.

Needs work
Getting there
Got it!
No title or title doesn't have to do with the topic.
Title has to do with the topic but doesn't give very much information. (e.g. “Snails.”).
Title gives information about what the explanation will tell you (e.g. “How snails eat.”).
Explanation is not broken into paragraphs.
Explanation has paragraphs but it does not have one idea per paragraph.
Explanation has one idea per paragraph, and includes an introduction and summary.
There are no special words that relate to your topic.
There are some special words that relate to your topic, but some are missing.
All the special words that relate to your topic are there.
Doesn't use joining words like because or so to show cause and effect.
Doesn't use timeless present tense.
Sometimes uses joining words to show cause and effect. Mostly uses timeless present tense.
Uses joining words to show cause and effect whenever this is needed. Always uses timeless present tense.
Explanation of events is not in sequence.
Explanation of events is mostly in sequence.
Explanation of events is in sequence.
Hardly ever uses full stops, commas and capital letters correctly.
Usually uses capital letters, commas and full stops correctly.
Almost always or always uses capital letters, commas and full stops correctly.

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