Friday 28 September 2018

Inquiry Term 3 - New Skill (Double-Dutch)

Hey there, Bloggers! For the past 4 weeks, Team 5 at P.E.S has been given a task to get into groups using the people in their classes, and find a new skill that they haven't learnt. I had 10 other people in my group. Their names were, Angels, Tata, Mata, Tehillah, Armanielle, Fetuao, Maree, Angel, Calais, Maryanne and myself, Atareita. Altogether, none of us had experienced the skill we were learning before. The skill that we chose was, "Double Dutch." We particularly chose to learn this skill because no one in our group had learnt it, and we found it challenging which was exactly what we wanted. So, that was the skill that we were meant to be learning for the past 4 weeks, and finally today was the day where everyone had to show off the new skill that they chose and learnt.

My Perspective:

Our groups performance was round about average. I controlled the ropes majority of the time, but yet I still tried my hardest to jump in between as well. That was the thing I found hardest. Jumping in between and timing it. I think that next time, I could try to practice more than I did in the past weeks. I could've tried harder and maybe then I would've made it longer jumping in between the ropes. To perfect our skill we tried to ask others if they had experienced it before but that didn't work so we moved on to using YouTube videos and tutorials which helped us majorly.

Positives of learning our new skill:

The positive side was learning something new and at least giving it a try. I was proud that everyone in our group had a go even when they didn't want to and even though they knew they couldn't do it. We found double dutch really fun which was a positive side of our new skill.

Negatives of learning our new skill:

I couldn't really point out anything negative about double dutch, because everyone had a go and we all had fun. No one found it boring, so I couldn't find anything negative about this new skill.


I persevered when we performed and throughout the past 4 weeks by controlling the ropes when no one else wanted to and kept swinging them even though my arms were getting tired. I also tried my best to jump in between on time and I did my best to encourage everyone else in my group as well.

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