Wednesday 8 August 2018

Benefits of Physical Activity!

Benefits of "Physical Activity!"

Physical Activity is also known as Fitness or Exercise. And like everything else, you get benefits
out of being a regular exerciser. This means exercising on the daily, and committing to keeping
yourself healthy. Like I said before, benefits come out of it. Such as, getting fit, improving your body
image and you are able to do a lot more things than the average person can. Here are some benefits
that you can get out of becoming a regular exerciser!

#1. It Strengthens the Heart! - First of all, you may not know, but your heart is also a muscle.
Like any other muscles, exercise can strengthen them as a result in making you stronger and stronger.
This means that when you exercise, you’re muscles may get bigger and stronger each day.
Since the heart is also a muscle, fitness improves the hearts beating speed and keeps it strong and
healthy. Having a weak heart can lead, “Ischemic Cardiomyopathy” which occurs when your heart
becomes too weak to pump enough blood to the rest of your body due to coronary artery disease.
The blood vessels attached to the heart muscle narrow and eventually become blocked. Approximately
90% of people that are diagnosed with, “Ischemic Cardiomyopathy” aren’t able to live past a year.

#2. Reduces Risks of Deadly Diseases! - Fitness does a huge part when it comes to illnesses
and keeping your body healthy. On the inside! I say on the inside because some people think that it
only improves your body image, and how you look on the outside. But, no. It affects majorly on the
inside of your body. This means that some exercise could do damage but most exercise helps you
when you are sick or when you have failing body parts. Scientists haven’t found exactly what exercise
is needed but try anything and see if it works. Exercise helps to reduce the risk of developing heart
disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes.  

#3. Gives you a Longer n Happier Life! - Scientists believe that fitness has a big positive impact
on depression, anxiety and ADHD. It also boosts overall mood. The average person, is happy less
than 50% of the time, compared to exercisers which are happy most of their lifetime due to the kind of
different body-movements they may do during their lifetime.  Research on depression, anxiety and
exercise shows that the psychological and physical benefits of exercise can also help improve mood
and sleep as well as reduces stress and anxiety. Regular physical activity also lowers blood pressure,
burns body fat, and lowers blood sugar levels, all of which benefit heart health. The power of exercise
to help the heart cannot be understated. Regular exercisers have been proven to live at least 4 years
more than the normal age rate.

So, overall exercise is amazingly good for you! It helps you not only on the outside but on the inside
as well. Majorly! At first, I didn’t know so many good benefits that could come out of exercising until I
did a bit of research and, BOOM! Its amazing how the Internet can help you these days. Yeah, but
anyways, exercising is a major thing in everyone's lives and like I said before, keeping fit and healthy
leads to happiness. It also gives you options to be stuck on the couch or day playing fortnite these
days and stuffing your face, but you also have to option to get up, go for a walk/jog/run and have a
bit of exercise as well as enjoy your day! There are also gyms that are useful when you can’t workout
outside because of bad weather. So, today is your day! Your day to get off that couch and get up and
benefit not only you, but the people surrounding you. I was told that, “If you believe, then you can
achieve!” If you believe in yourself, than you can do anything you put your mind to. Today is YOUR day! All you have to do is...BELIEVE!

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