Friday, 22 September 2017

My Film Fest Experience - 2017

My Film Festival Experience
Well, it is that time of year, when everyone is busy trying to get their movies and ideas together for the very special, Manaiakalani Film Festival. Movies are being created all from the manaiakalani schools. Even my class had to come up with ideas and form them into a special movie to share. By the way, I had to be in 2 movies this year. One for class and One for an extension group for brainy students. Here, I will share what I have experienced doing them both.

What Did I Enjoy?
Class Movie: I enjoyed actually getting to be in our class movie and I also enjoyed helping out Mrs Ilaoa (My Teacher) to edit the Film Fest Movie. From my own perspective, I reckon that our movie is pretty awesome. Not to spoil it, but, in our movie, there is a very special guest. Watch it to find out who it is.
Extension Movie: For this movie, I enjoyed being a main character in my movie and getting to dress like my character as well. During this experience, We got to ride on our school bikes. (It was so fun)

What did i find challenging?
Class Movie: Well, to be honest, I found challenging trying not to slip when we went down to the creek to film a few bits. The rocks that we stood on were really slippery. (A couple of people slipped, Not Me!)
Secondly, I thought that maybe the editing was a bit challenging for me as well, trying to get all of the background sounds out and the voiceovers done.
Extension Movie: What I found challenging about the experience was trying to find the correct outfit that matched my character and the different scenes. Sometimes I even fell off my bike. (Ouch!) We had to shoot quite a lot of scenes. It was so difficult having to get people, send them back and then get others.

What should we improve on next time?
Class Movie: I think that next time we could improve on getting everyone to remember to bring their costumes that were needed. Most of the main characters struggled around that a bit. I think that I could work on having a louder voice maybe. When it is needed though.

Extension Movie: I actually think that, like I said about our class movie, people need to remember more often to bring their change of clothes to be in the movie. Because, they couldn’t just go out of school and get their outfit. But yeah, Maybe, we needed to focus on the time we had left.

Overall, I loved experiencing everything and getting to be in 2 movies at once. There wasn’t really anything that I hated about it and We had so much fun altogether.



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